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Data Processor Agreement

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IWW WISE-RA Data Processor Agreement - Introduction

As an IWW role holder, or accredited IWW Worker's Representative, or approved third-party data processor, you will be required to handle sensitive personal data and union data under the care of the IWW WISE-RA.

Your role may require you to access or process this data via the union's email accounts, membership database, or on other IWW WISE-RA data processing platforms, such as the administrator or moderator interfaces of the Interwob forum or Wobchat. If you are an accredited IWW Worker's Representative, you will be handling workers' sensitive personal data in the course of performing representation casework. If you are a Complaints Panel volunteer, you will be handling members' personal data in the course of processing complaints. If you are a member of the IT Committee, you may receive security-sensitive administrator access to our IT platforms' back-end systems and servers. It is the IWW WISE-RA's responsibility, and thus your responsibility as an IWW role holder, to safeguard and process that personal data in compliance with Data Protection laws, and to handle IWW WISE-RA controlled data generally in compliance with IWW WISE-RA's Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

As such you are considered a Data Processor, as defined by current Data Protection legislation (the UK General Data Protection Regulation, or UK GDPR). The IWW WISE-RA is considered the Data Controller. The persons whose personal data is held and processed by the IWW WISE-RA are considered Data Subjects.

For these reasons, you will need to sign this Data Processor Agreement (DPA) before you can be given access to IWW membership data and allowed to process it.

IMPORANT: Before signing this document, please:

  • As a priority, read the section below titled "Required technical security measures" and implement those measures. Please click the section title to unfurl and read its contents.
  • Familiarise yourself with the IWW Privacy and Data Protection Policy, paying particular attention to the passages set in bold and the sections and paragraphs marked with a ⚠ symbol (click here).

As a data processor you will be expected to abide by these policies and apply them to all personal data you access and handle on behalf of the IWW WISE-RA.

When you feel sure you understand these policies, please fill, sign and submit this DPA form.

The Data Controller you are entering into an agreement with through this DPA is:

The Industrial Workers of the World (Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England Regional Administration); a certified independent trade union registered in the United Kingdom; Certification Officer List Number 790T.

Address: Data Controller, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW);
PO Box 111, Minehead, TA24 9DH,
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Telephone: +44 (0)845 4681905

Don't hesitate to get in touch with our Data Protection Officer ( if there is anything you don't understand.

By filling and submitting this form, you understand and agree that your personal data will be processed on the lawful basis of the IWW WISE-RA’s legitimate interests, according to the IWW WISE-RA Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

The section below titled 'How We Use Your Information' contains a summary of our Privacy Policy. It links to our full Privacy Policy and provides information for contacting our Data Protection Officer. It is collapsed by default. Please click on the title of that section - 'How We Use Your Information' - to expand that section.


In order to complete and submit this agreement, please fill in the required fields and tick the boxes corresponding to each statement below, to indicate your agreement and consent to each of these statements.

Please carefully read the guidance notes under each field to make sure you select the correct options.

You will not be able to submit the form without filling all the required fields and ticking all the tick-boxes below. Required fields and tick-boxes are marked with an asterisk (*).

  • - None Found -

This field is pre-filled and cannot be filled manually. If the name displayed above is incorrect or displays as 'None Found', please do not submit this form and alert the IWW Communications Administrator via email at
Please click the '-choose existing-' field and, from the list of options, select your IWW WISE-RA Branch. If you are a member of a local group, please select the chartered branch to which your group is affiliated: e.g., if you are a member of the Dublin IWW Group, then enter 'Ireland GMB'. If you are signing this form as a NARA Interwob moderator, please select 'NARA'. If you are signing this form as an approved third-party organisation data processor, please select 'Approved Third-party Data Processors'.
Please click the '-choose existing-' field and, from the list of options, select your IWW WISE-RA Organising Area. If you are signing the DPA as a NARA member or as a third party data processor, or unsure which Organising Area you fall under, you can leave this field blank. If you are a member of a branch or group outside the UK and Ireland but part of WISE-RA (e.g., in Europe, Iceland, Turkey, or Oceania/Australasia), please select 'WISE-RA affiliated International ROCs, Branches, Groups & Members'.
Please click the '-choose existing-' field and, from the list of options, select the IWW WISE-RA committee your role is associated with. If you are signing this DPA in your capacity as a Branch role holder, or rep, or a third party data processor, you can skip this step and leave this field blank. If you are signing this DPA in your capacity as an Area Organiser, please select 'Organising Department'. If you are a WISE-RA or NARA General Interwob Moderator, select 'Interwob General Moderators Team'. If you are a NARA GEB member, select 'NARA General Executive Board (GEB)'. If you are a WISE-RA or NARA Interwob Administrator, select 'Interwob Administators'. If you are a member and moderator of a NARA or CanROC Department, Committee or Caucus sub-forum on Interwob, please select 'NARA Interwob Committee/Department/Caucus Sub-Forum Moderators'. If you are a member and moderator of a NARA or CanROC Branch sub-forum on Interwob, please select 'NARA Interwob Branch Sub-Forum Moderators'.
Please replace the parts within brackets inside the text field with the appropriate information (removing the brackets). For example, if your name is Joe Hill and you are signing this DPA form in your capacity as the London Branch Secretary, please enter: "Signed DPA submitted by FW Joe Hill as London Branch Secretary". Other examples: "Signed DPA submitted by FW Joe Hill as Organising Depatment Chair" or "Signed DPA submitted by FW Joe Hill as London Workplace Representative". This is so that the form submission activity can be recorded on the database with a standard subject description.
Please type in your IWW membership number. If you are a non-member, third-party-organisation data processor, please type in "Third party data processor" instead.